Just got back from a demonstration at San Francisco’s City Hall, which is kitty-corner to one of the Federal Buildings.

We had chants.

We had choppers overhead.

We had local news anchors shooting B roll, and I assume, chatting with people on the street.

But mostly, we had each other, and the knowledge that with people power, anything is possible!

Some raw footage for to share:

Before the demonstration:

video of san francisco city hall on 2/17/25 before the protest starts
A lovely view of San Francisco City Hall on Sunday 2/17/25 before the protest

We pledged allegiance to the actual United States of America, not the farce being perpetrated by broligarchs and a frightened GOP:

Video of demonstrators pledging allegiance to the US of A.
Pledging allegiance to the actual US of A, not the farce being perpetrated by the current administration and the broligarchs.
Mysti Berry Uncategorized

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